The Code
//Entry Point
function GetValues() {
//Get the input string
let inputString = document.getElementById('userString').value;
//Logic Function
function CheckForPalindrome(stringToCheck) {
//Remove any character thats not a letter or number regardless of case.
let cleanedString = stringToCheck.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '').toLowerCase();
//Iterate from outside to inside to see if input is palindrome and return false if not.
for(let i = 0; i<=(cleanedString.length/2);i++){
if(cleanedString[i] != cleanedString[cleanedString.length-i-1]){
//Not a palindrome
return false;
//If we make it through the check, the word is a palindrome so we return true
return true;
//View Function
function DisplayResults(inputString, result) {
let alertElement = document.getElementById('alert');
let alertHeading = document.getElementById('alertHeading');
let results = document.getElementById('results');
let inputReversed = inputString.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '').toLowerCase().split('').reverse().join('');
if (result) {
alertElement.classList.replace('alert-danger', 'alert-success');
alertHeading.textContent = 'Well Done!You entered a Palindrome';
results.textContent = `Your phrase reversed is: ${inputReversed}`;
else {
alertElement.classList.replace('alert-success', 'alert-danger');
alertHeading.textContent = 'Sorry, you did not enter a Palindrome!';
results.textContent = `Your phrase reversed is: ${inputReversed}`;
The code is structured with three functions.
This function our entry point, and grabs the text input string then passes the value to our display function
This function takes the input string, removed any spaces or special characters, then makes the remaining characters lower case. After it has cleaned the string, loops through each character starting with the first letter and checks if its value is equal to its equivalent position working backwards from the last character. If at any point these values are not equal the word is not a palindrome, and the loop returns false. Once we hit the middle of the word, all characters have been checked and passed so we return true.
This function takes the users input that we passed into it in our entry point, then uses the CheckForPalindrome function to see if the input is a palindrome or not. If the word/phrase is a palindrome we display a green success alert card with the results. If the word/phrase is not a palindrome, we display a red failed card letting the user know the word is not a palindrome